Your Mobile Strategy

What is your mobile strategy? Wait. Back up. Do you have a mobile strategy?

I had a reminder on this from the education side of my life with a presentation from EDUCAUSE 2018 on "Tips to Enhance Your Mobile Strategy" for colleges.

Mobile strategy is a broad umbrella phrase that can cover numerous campus user groups and the technologies that support them. Certainly, phones was the first wave on campus and of, but now mobile devices such as iPads, tablets and perhaps even the Chromebooks and laptops that are more like mobile devices are part of the picture. Students are bringing them to campus and using them instead of desktop machines that still dominate the campus classrooms and labs.

Of course, students and staff are in multiple environments throughout the day and we still need to address both the mobile and non-mobile environments.

According to KISSMetrics, “over 40% of smartphone users watch TV while browsing a smartphone.” Furthermore, McKinsey & Company found that users with more devices spend more time online - users with a PC, tablet, and smartphone spend 223 minutes online per day - which is twice as long as users with just a PC and smartphone.
Because of this, you should create campaigns for different devices, as well as adjust “your marketing campaigns by device, location, and time of day.” By doing so, you’ll be able to “deliver relevant content to different segments of your audience, thus maximizing ROI.”


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