Generational Website Attitudes

A study by website builder and web hosting company Squarespace has - not surprisingly - shown that having an online presence is top of the priority list for Gen Zs and Millennials. These age groups grew up on the Internet. Squarespace partnered with The Harris Poll to survey over 2,000 US adults, in an effort to uncover the roles of websites in daily life and how memorable they are.

A few of their findings:

  • 49% of the Americans surveyed can remember the color of a website better than someone's eye color. That number is 71% for Millennials and 58% for Gen Zs.
  • Around 60% of Gen Z and 62% of Millennials believe that how you present yourself online is more important than how you present yourself in person. 
  • The vast majority (92%) of Gen Z would start their own business. It is 86% of Millennials, 74% of Gen X and 50% of Baby Boomers.  
  • Gen Z is more likely to remember off the top of their head the last website they visited (43%) than their partner's birthday (38%) or their social security number (31%).
  • 44% of Gen Z and 39% of Millennials say they make a better impression online than in person It is only 21% of Gen X and 8% of Baby Boomers who feel that way.

more at Ronkowitz LLC


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